Friday, April 27, 2012

Hansen/Jones Wedding

From the Bride:  "We got the envelopes and we love them!  My fiance was convinced they were printed they look so good!  I'm happy to refer you to all of my engaged/soon-to-be engaged friends!"

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Kitten Mittens

Sometimes my sweet little angel of a devil cat makes it difficult to make pretty things.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Sonnet 116

I told you.  I like calligraphizing more than I like doing a lot of other things.  I did this today instead of going shopping.  *Gasp*.

Sonnet 116 is one of my absolute favorite poems about lovey-dovey-ooey-gooey-ness.  Here it is in calligraphy.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Wedding Invitations

Confession:  I am an English nerd.  Other English nerds out there might pick up on that based on my font choices and the addresses on the sample envelopes.  What "English nerd" means (among other things) is that I love things like books and paper and ink and old time-y writing.  

So when it came time to address my wedding invitations, I couldn't wait to experiment on my own and make each one look like its own little piece of art.  It's probably been the highlight of my wedding preparation experience.  I'm not kidding.

I discovered that I loved addressing envelopes more than I loved many other things--like eating and sleeping.

And so here I am, ready to help you add a special personal touch as you invite those nearest and dearest to you on what is undoubtedly one of the most important days of your life.